Saturday, December 30, 2006

Belly Dancing Bloopers

Belly Dancing Bloopers! What Can I Say? If it Could Happen, it Did Happen to Me!
By Leyla Najma Latrimurti

Just about every dancer out there has a blooper story to tell. Bloopers are almost like a right of passage and there are a lot of us out there that are seasoned!

Bloopers can happen for many reasons; like you forgot to check your costume and make sure your snaps and hooks are sewn on tightly. I mean, when you dance every weekend and perform 2 to 4 shows in a night your costumes will start to suffer.

I had ten costumes that I checked and made sure they were ready to dance in. Then, I just started to let the “costume check” slide a little. By appearance my costumes looked good but hidden from the general public were a few pins here and there. And that, my friends, is where the bloopers come to life.

I remember I was dancing for a recreational camp for kids and there had to be at least 200 kids ranging in ages from kindergarten up to teenagers all watching me perform. Before I knew it as I was doing my favorite turn, my back straps broke and there for a few seconds were my breasts bared for everyone to see. The younger kids didn’t quite get what had happened but the older ones did. Fortunately I had my niece with me who pinned my back straps together and I went back out to continue my performance. To my dismay the group leaders were already leading the kids out of the room and only a few stayed to see me finish. I don’t think I helped our community out much at that performance. To my knowledge they haven’t invited any belly dancers back. Moral of the story: Check your snaps and hooks!

Weight fluctuation is another blooper waiting to happen. I learned the hard way that my daughter’s socks are not a good substitution for bra pads. I had lost weight and fixed one costume but not the other. I figured that socks would give me the boost I needed while being hidden from view. So I decided to wear the costume that I didn’t fix first because what did I have to fear, I had my daughters socks. But socks, as I found out, have a mind of their own.

I was dancing for a huge group of diplomats from Iran and our FBI at a local restaurant that I perform at. Everybody was yelling my name and clapping as I came out ready to dance the night away. And that was exactly what I was doing until I noticed a few grins and giggles from the audience. One man pointed to my bra and from my vantage point, my breasts and bra looked fine. But when I did a chest circle there to my horror was my daughter’s sock hanging down my right side. So I did what any professional would do, I pulled it out and threw it. Everybody laughed and applauded and I continued to dance with one big breast and one small breast. After the evening was over and everybody had left I went looking for my daughter’s sock. I couldn’t find it anywhere and even had the wait staff (who were still in hysterics) help me look for it. But it was nowhere to be found. Weeks past and I forgot about the missing sock until the owner of the restaurant told me that my sock was given to the head diplomat as a gift and reminder of his stay here. So whoever took it had it framed and presented it to him. Also to go along with the sock were 5 video cameras that captured the infamous sock rolling down my right side. So moral of this story: bra pads!

Long skirts can be a bloopers' best friend. I like my skirts long because I am short and if my skirts are just a little above my ankles they make me look even shorter. So the bottoms of my skirts get dirty and I have to wash them a lot. I had one particularly long skirt that I just loved. It was separate from my belt and I loved this because than I could mix and match to my hearts content. Well, one evening I wore my favorite skirt for a big dinner party at a nightclub I use to dance at. The family who had the dinner party filled most of the club. They had especially asked for me and I was very honored to dance for them.

So the night began very innocently with me dancing around tables and on chairs. They even put me up on the tables a few times. It’s amazing what your skirt can get caught on. There I was dancing and just finishing up my drum solo when I decided I wanted to end on stage. So I jumped down off the table and began to stroll over to the stage only to realize that my skirt didn’t want to come with me. As my audience tried to get me unstuck my skirt somehow got pulled down and was close to my knees. (Thank God I had on matching underwear). Finally my skirt was pulled free and I gracefully pulled my skirt up and was able to finish the last minute of my show. The family loved the little drama and said that they would remember that night for a long time. The moral of this story: Stay on the stage and don’t dance on tables!

Props can either be friend or foe. Sometimes I really believe my veil, cane or sword is on the side of the bloopers. You know how it is, you practice in the studio or home and everything goes great but as soon as you get out and perform something bizarre happens to your prop. I have often wondered if my props were possessed. It’s amazing how your veil will get caught on your costume or how your cane flies out of your hand. My sword was better behaved but would occasionally act up.

One evening in Fort Worth I was dancing in a very crowded restaurant and I was dancing with my cane. Everybody was enjoying themselves and the owner of the restaurant was sitting at a table not far from our little stage. I was twirling the heck out of my cane when to my surprise the cane flew out of my hand and landed on the restaurant owners lap. The whole restaurant applauded and yelled for more. So I slowly went up to the restaurant owner and asked for my cane and he gave it back to me with an amused look on his face. Fortunately for me my cane music was almost over and I didn’t have to try for another amazing encore with my cane. So the moral of this story: If you mess up with your prop, make it look good!

The last of the bloopers are the hidden kind. You know, the kind that don’t show themselves until you are on stage dancing and then you realize that the stage is uneven or worse you just stepped on something that feels very slimy. And let’s not forget the shrinking stage.

Let’s face it, when we get hired to dance at a party or event, we can’t always check the stage out beforehand. I remember when I was hired for a party and I asked how big was the space where I was dancing and they replied that it was a good-sized space, at least half of a room. So I choreographed a dance accordingly to what I was told. Well, my stage was 4ft by 3ft. and by a raging fire in a fireplace with little kids sitting all around me. My choreography changed immediately and I was amazed that I didn’t pass out from the heat.

The uneven stage is the one blooper that hides itself very well. I have been on stages that looked even but when I danced on them turned me into a lopsided sideshow. I remember at this one restaurant that whenever I would spin that I would slowly but surely spin into a table on the right side of the stage each time. I would stop at that table just before I’d loose it. I finally asked the other dancers if they did the same thing and they all replied yes. Thank God! Who wants to be lopsided alone? The slimy story gives me shivers up my spine so I think I’ll pass on it. Besides I think you can visualize the scenario without me giving you the details.

So these are just a few of my blooper stories. The one thing I realized throughout my 22 years in dance is that even though we all strive for perfection in our dance, the bloopers keep us grounded. Sometimes I think back and have to laugh at the dumb and embarrassing things that have happened to me. If you can laugh at yourself then you have just given yourself a wonderful gift. Laughter keeps us humble and it keeps us healthy. So keep on laughing and keep on dancing!

Leyla Najma of Albuquerque, NM has been performing as a professional Belly Dancer for 22+ years. She offers workshops, private classes and has recently started producing a series of shows called "Cleopatras Courst" as benefits for local organizations. Leyla can be reached at, or

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Thursday, November 30, 2006

Belly Dancing Gifts

Christmas is fast approaching and some people are harder to buy for than others. If you are looking for the perfect gift for the belly dancer or belly dance enthusiast in your life, take a look at these items in my new Cafepress shop. The Belly Dancing Bears were lovingly created by my friend Sally and are perfect on bibs and childrens clothes - perhaps for a recent arrival or soon-to-be-born baby of a Belly Dancer. Plus, there are the "These Hips Don't Lie", "Raks Rocks!" and "Born to Belly Dance" items that any dancer will love. Click here for your Belly Dancing Gifts.

If these don't inspire you, then Cafepress has many other beautiful designs under the Belly Dancing theme, and you can see more by clicking here.

Hope you find that perfect present!

Lisa x

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Sunday, November 26, 2006

Belly Dancing Burnout

Belly Dance Burnout
Leyla Najma Latrimurti

Much thought has gone into this article regarding belly dance burn out. For most dancers who are just starting out working in restaurants and nightclubs, it is hard to fathom ever getting to a point where you find yourself sitting on the side of the bed trying to talk yourself into getting ready for another show, but in reality it happens and the amazing thing about it is that it isn’t like a virus that just hits you and you can get over it. It is gradual and towards the end of this emotional rollercoaster, you feel like you just can’t get it together to go out and perform for even the most appreciative audience.

Dancers, who experience belly dance burn out, feel like they are unappreciative of their position in their dance community and guilt complex sets in. So let’s talk about this and look at some warning signs before hand so that no dancer has to experience “Belly Dance Burnout”.

Most dancers who are motivated to perform within the 4 to 6 year career spectrum are ready to conquer the world. These are my favorite dancers because nothing gets them down. Most dancers at this level are motivated from an inner core of self confidence. But after awhile life takes a toll on this inner core and self doubt sinks in slowly but surely. Why this happens is a very important question.

No matter how you look at belly dancing, this is an entertainment that effects the life of the dancer which includes, family, friends, coworkers, and even the dog or cat. When you are in this type of dance many things in your life change. The first thing that most women notice is the effect it has on their body image. Belly dancing will show you what is right about your body and it directs you to a path of enlightenment.


When we change our attitude, there seems to be one thing that we forget to change with it and that is our perception of the world around us. Perception is very important because it helps you see the difference between the shallow aspects of our dance to the deep and profound experiences. Many dancers forget that attitude can be momentary and fluctuate between having a great show to having an off performance. If your perception and knowledge of your dance are kept equal than your attitude will follow in their footsteps.


Another problem that can create havoc in a dancers world is a crisis of ego. And there seems to be different types. Type number 1 is usually created when a performer doesn’t understand that she must work her way up to performing in different venues. If any position is handed down to her, she won’t have any respect for the venue or herself. Any performer who leaves this situation stressed has to understand that anything handed to them must be acknowledged as a gift and treated with respect. Through trial and error can a true performer understand her place in her community. TYPE 2: happens when performers get accolades early on in their career and forget their humility. We all want to be told we are amazing and incredible dancers but the fact is there are a lot of amazing and incredible dancers out there.

Remember that compliments are a dime a dozen. The point is to dance from humility. Compliments aren’t guaranteed and they won’t always come your way. There will be moments when a dancer performs and finds the audience isn’t watching or interested. Eventually the feeling of “what’s the use” creeps up and there you have the beginning symptom of belly dance burn out. Remember why you started dancing in the first place. Go back to those first moments of enthusiasm that you felt when you first started learning how to dance. In those beginning moments all that mattered was that you were doing what you loved and wanted to do. Center yourself on always being appreciative that you have the chance to perform. Remember you are continually shining your diamond of the dancer with in you. Peoples compliments are just icing on the cake.

TYPE 3: is the dancer who feels she can perform and compete with the best of them even if she has only been dancing a fraction of the time of her contemporaries. Time will usually teach this dancer a lesson by shocking her with an experience she is unprepared for. This experience alone can knock her off her feet. It will make her think twice and hopefully get her back on the path of humility. These types of “Ego Crisis” when experienced for long periods of time can strain the enthusiasm of any performer. Make sure you replace the ego with self confidence.


This can create repetitive, boring moves. This is one area that all dancers who have been performing for many years experience one time or another. Remember that this is a dance of how you live your life. You bring in your experiences into your dance and that in itself will keep choreography fresh. Self criticism or comparing oneself to another dancer is not healthy and it creates stagnation in the creative process. Remember that there is only one of you in the Universe and what a true blessing you are. Your creativity is already unique because “You” exist. Also remember that you must dance from your own creativity. Becoming someone else’s carbon copy or imitating another dancer may seem like a compliment but it takes away your own creative process. Dancers need to perform from their own place and image. All performers have their own treasure trove of moves. Just look inside yourself.


Time management is something that effects the professional dancer. First is the fact that many performers dance so much that they forget to practice or don’t make time. Moves get sloppy and repetitive and the dancer’s enthusiasm goes down the drain. As a performer we must honor ourselves and our audience by dancing the best show possible. Training and practicing enhances techniques and they keep all of us in shape not only physically but mentally. Another factor is not having time with family or friends. The dance can to take over the life of the dancer. So the dancer has to make decisions based on what kind of family life she wants to preserve. Performing can also become addictive so make sure that the gigs that you agree to are worth it in time and money. Remember, you can always say “no” to a gig.


This definitely does not help in the confidence area. Most people if they are not educated regarding our type of dance, don’t understand what they are watching. And if a performer doesn’t know how to perform in front of different types of audiences, this can be devastating. One way to know what to expect in advance is to find out what kind of venue you may be performing at. It seems simple and rather basic but when dancers perform a lot, certain questions can easily be forgotten. And there are those performances that you know in advance might be questionable. Either way just know that you have to end the performance with confidence knowing you did your best. There are venues where a dancer was incredible and still will get a luke warm response from the audience. Don’t judge yourself by the audiences response. Judge yourself by how you felt inside. Your gut will always tell you the truth.

Remember that second guessing yourself just adds fuel to the fire of self doubt. So here’s a little secret I would like to share with you:All performers have an advantage before they ever get in front of people. This one advantage is the fact that the story they will tell will be one of a kind. This in itself is a miracle. And to remember oneself is a reminder of the miracle that you are and dancing is a way of telling the world about miracles. So when you are feeling the “belly dance burn out” just remember the miracle that you are and the miracles that you need to share.

Many Blessings,

Leyla Najma is a professional Belly Dancer living and working in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Leyla has been performing and teaching for 20+ years and is recognized as one of the top dancers in the state of New Mexico and in the Southwestern United States. Leylas' website is located at

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Thursday, November 09, 2006

Belly Dance Festival

I've just received an email from Kismet regarding their popular Belly Dance Festival.

They are now planning next year's 27th festival and are open for performance applications. Deadline is January 31st 2007. You can find out more and get an application form here:

2007 Festival will be August 17-18, 2007 at the Utah Cultural Celebration Center, 1355 West 3100 South, West Valley City - Friday, August 17 Noon-10 pm and Saturday, August 18 Noon-10 pm.

Lisa x

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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Goddess Dancing to the Drummer's Hands and Heartbeat

Huge thanks to Barbara of for sending me this and allowing me to publish it on the blog for you all to share:
The room was huge, elegant, white –
lovely tall ceilings that go on and on,
a large wonderful wooden dance floor
round white tables for 100
– the smell of chocolate ,oysters and excitement filled the air………………..

They were expecting
Just a belly dancer
but they watched
a goddess dancing
to the rhythms of a drummers hands and heart beat

The very dramatic moody music began ……………………………….
The handsome man in a red crisp shirt and suede vest came on stage alone to gracefully set up his drums and two chairs. Putting the gold dancing cane in place, he strategically wrapped the long bright red silk veil around his neck, placing it where it could later be slowly, gracefully pulled off. Then he took his place in his chair, on stage, where he sat smiling at the audience with an inviting and knowledgeable smile of what was to come.

The “grand entrance theme began”.
With light, sizzling energy and grace she appeared to circle the large, grand dance floor in the romantic glamour of days gone by
Her black floor length velvet cape flowing behind, red skirt flirting from beneath
She caught everyone’s one’s eyes, smiling brightly to them and to herself .She filled up the space twirling and twirling, long hair flowing around her
She was completely and freely dancing to the music ,filling every nuance with her dancing soul - revealing, concealing, manipulating the cape to the big music until it was time to dance free of the cape
He assisted her transformation from black cape to red wings
Beneath her cape, bedecked like a goddess from Olympus, was revealed her shimmering lipstick red and gold costume
Chest in molded, lifted, glittering cups, hips wrapped securely and beautifully so each movement was accented to the fullest, muscular but womanly arms, wrapped in glittering bands, smooth white abdomen and back , contrasting against the bright red, legs swathed in gossamer red flowing skirts , like the wings and on her head a matching crown securely fastened on long tresses
The man put a stick in each of her hands for the next dance,“ Wings of Isis” .Her hips never missed a rhythm of the music

The sheer, shimmering, flowing red wings, fully expanded out from her body, lifted fully with strong percussive movements, filled with air and light. Step by step, hip by hip she moved towards the audience, shimmering ,breathing, reaching always higher to fill the music ,to fly up and up away .Around the dance floor she flew the wings ,side to side, in figure 8’s, posing, framing her torso with pride and dignity.Always lifting higher, never missing a beat with each step. Turning wildly, engulfing herself in wings to create a tornado, slowly unfurling again to turn and turn and turn, faster and faster, spinning with complete abandon………….until the music changed and again it was time to remove and free her body again from an expressive dancing image

He was waiting to help her transform again
She stood in front of him, close to his body, looking into his eyes, waiting for the next rhythm to take over.
He lifted her wings slowly off her neck, behind her. She waited while he slowly lifted the wings above her head to the showed rhythms of the next song.
She was shrouded in a framing veil of wings, between him and the wings

Very slowly to the heart beat of the music her arms and hands only, began the sensual mesmerizing dance, from behind the wings – strong, soft, magical, fluid, boneless flow of fingers, hands, elbows, shoulders and hands created from hours, hours, hours , years of practice – beautiful,flowing,detached,boneless,round, circular fluidity like a snake, like a flower unfurling its petals.

Pulling back from him, their eyes connected, she pulled away through the shroud of the gossamer wings. The fluidity moved out toward the audience, her back to them, they watched her energy move down to the floor through her spine, hips, legs, feet and back up again, through her abdomen, up her chest to her neck and shoulders and finally to her face and eyes. Turning towards them she now she watched the audience, watching her flowing fluidly to every heart beat of the music with her soul.

Dancing back to him again, flowing back to him, circling like a bird to find the edge of the long, red silk veil. Smiling knowingly, their eyes connected with a smile , she slowly pulled the veil off his body towards her, taking his energy into her dance with the veil, lifting the silk, filling it with air, flowing it around herself, in and around framing her every movement, losing herself ,lost in the silky brightness ,never stopping, motion forever in flow…………..until the music changed again
He was watching her She wrapped the veil around his shoulders once more and this time he gave her a gold cane to dance with.

The gold cane.
The symbol in the dance of mischievous power – a way for the girls to poke fun and flirt with the boys – a daring ultra earthy, feminine rhythm of joy, eternal youth, of down beats, up beats,of hitting the ground so hard with one end of the cane , as if to say “ I am here – see me – I can do this and that and everything – I can do this and not hurt anyone – I can laugh and smile for just the fun of it and I am completely free to be myself and to dance my dance – why not come dance with me?????? Clap for me – hear those happy rhythms and if not? ok then – watch me dance and be so happy with my cane – very jaunty, jaunty, jaunty and happy until…………the music changed again
He then took the cane with a smile she became the drum for the “ hot drum solo”

The drum solo
The culmination – the heat, the hot, following the loud definite drum pounding rhythm with body parts and soul parts – shuddering and shimmering with practiced control and delight – following the definite rhythmical phrases, repeated again &
Again and then slightly changed – the dancer following each beat with her body parts as they are played – on and on until the rhythm gets faster and faster and faster and faster when there is a final explosion and end!!! Like lightening or thunder. This is the end of the fully orchestrated music which leads to a grand finale.
While she once again swirls the dance floor, smiling to them and to herself, gathering them in her shininess, she exits
Swirling and glistening from the space and leaves him on the dance floor for the drumming of his heart beat and soul

He smiles now at the audience and to himself. Slowly he begins to remove his vest. He pulls his shirt tails up and removes
his shirt off completely to reveal taught, tanned, sinewy muscles, subtly tattooed arms and smiles broadly . He is ready to share his story now.He stands behind the wooden stand that holds his steady life partner, the jembe. He breathes deeply, smiling all the while, eyes glistening with excitement, energy cursing through his legs and arms and fingers as he begins to play his rhythms – rhythms he has practiced for so many hours time ran away into the next day,rhythms he learned from many world teachers, rhythms that have made him feel alive, rhythms that gave him hope, that made him friends, that took him on surprising voyages around the world and within himself , magical healing rhythms of the heart and spirit – his rhythms – their rhythms

Slow at first, consistent rhythmical pounding, then phrases – recognizable and then pauses into different phrasing
He calls to the audience – come dance to my rhythms – break out into your bodies, feel my rhythms and they do – dancing and dancing and he is drumming and drumming……………………….he drums them into a frenzy, then he brings them down to a gentle
song and takes them up again……………………..until he says “Now you must leave the dance floor for “ she “ is coming back to dance for you and for me, with me, one more time
He changes from the African jembe to the Middle Eastern dumbek

The dumbek calls
Her zills respond
The dancer and the drummer
She reappears dancing under a black netted veil – mysterious, tantalizing, shimmering , red gold under netted black dancing with the zills – playing to his rhythms – he brings her out to the audience again –
she stops, he stops, he plays, she plays –
they flirt with the rhythms together –
all in play –
is it her? Is it him?
– they are watching and listening –
he watches her feet and hips –
she listens to his beats and sees his smile
…………………Slowly the netting is freed loose and is flowing around her – the netting is different than the silk – it isn’t soft – it doesn’t float in the air – filled with air – it is stiff and electric and mysterious in a different way – off it flies around her in space and lands now
at the drummers feet –
She swirls around him; they smile knowingly at each other
His rhythms change to the waves of the ocean, the waves rolling over and over – up up, down down, smooth, round, undulating, appearing, disappearing
pushing the seaweed from side to side, to and fro
………………she descends to the floor, elegantly, moving her torso this way and that, moving her hips in circles and spirals and figure 8’s over knees and thighs,
She offers her back to the audience, they see the rhythms with her shoulders, her back muscles, her hair adding to the motion – she stares up at him from the floor and they have their wordless conversation across the dance floor………
.she turns forward again to the audience, rolling the waves, smiling to them as they watch her, smiling to herself because she feels so free, so in love with the rhythms ,the movement ,the dance……………………………..

Slowly the drummer bring her up to her feet and she hears the break –
1 break, 2, 3…………..she rushes to him for the red silk veil one more time 4 –
the beginning of their drum solo!........
She dances with a new gusto, with everything in her
With happy familiarity to the steps and rhythms which they both know by heart,
rehearsed and rehearsed over and over again ……………
.the 8’s, the 4’s, into the 3’s – harder transition – the 16 count shimmies – 8 times – what joy –
4 banged out, the 4’s and 1…….,1…….,1…….,1……. Arms and veil swirling in passion,
4 bangs,4 more bangs, back into the waves –
and then they are both free again from form rehearsed –
dancing and drumming freely until she/ he – they feel the end coming…………………
….. he breaks again 1,2,3,4!!!
She has 4 8’s for the culmination –
they both hit it together –
the end …………………….

They were expecting just
a belly dancer
But they watched
A goddess dancing
To the rhythms of a drummers
Hands and heart beat

Written with love by Barbara, The Dancing Spirit
In honor of all the dancers who danced before, now and through all of time
And for all the rhythms of the drummer hands and heart beats

Monday, October 16, 2006

Belly Dancing Book Released

"Belly Dancing Secrets Vol. I" was released last Thursday (12th) and includes "Oriental Dance: Discovering the Art of Belly Dancing" in eBook and Audio Book formats, an interview with Canadian belly dancer Yo-Ahn-Na on Belly Dancing for Business and Profit and - for a limited number of people - a short interview with Jillina from the Bellydance Superstars. To find out more, read the other posts below and visit:

There has been some confusion over the package, so just to re-iterate that it is a digital product only at the moment. To find out what that means and why that is a good thing in terms of cost and accessibility, visit:

The winner of our launch competition was Lunya from Canada, and she receives the signed BDSS goodies, plus she chose the Bellydance Superstars in Paris at the Folies Bergeres for her dvd. Congrats Lunya.

Don't forget the launch special ends at midnight on Thursday 19th October.

Any further questions - post them below.

Bring out your inner goddess!

Lisa x

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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Make Your Own Belly Dance Costumes

When I asked recently for questions and queries on the launch of "Belly Dancing Secrets Vol. I" many of you wanted more information on making or creating your own costumes.

In "Oriental Dance: Discovering The Art of Belly Dancing" there is a whole chapter dedicated to the costumes of the different styles of Belly Dance. And, as a result of your interest in creating costumes, I have added a section to the Resources chapter of the book.

I have searched out the location of 28 different free costume patterns on the internet so you can create you own beautiful dance costumes. The patterns include veils, costume bras, cholis, harem pants, Tribal skirts, Beladi Dress, Caftan, Ghawazee Coat, and many more...

They should keep your creative juices flowing for a long time to come!

What about the rest of the Resources chapter?

  • The best places to find Belly Dancing music, costumes (to buy), musical instruments, accessories, gifts and even "fun stuff" on the internet
  • A list of recommended instructional dvds for belly dancers of different abilities
  • Belly dancing magazines from around the world, for those who want to further their belly dancing knowledge on a regular basis. Includes magazines for those who are specifically interested in certain styles of dance.
I can also give you the location of the main webpage. At the moment it has a Countdown to Launch but it will all change at 5pm UK time on Thursday 12th October (check out the countdown clock if you want to know what time that is for you - providing I've got it right, of course!):

Bring out your inner goddess!


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Friday, October 06, 2006

Answers to Your Questions About "Oriental Dance"

"Belly Dancing Secrets Vol. I" will be launched on Thursday October 12th, and I'd like to answer some of your questions and concerns regarding the whole package.

Feel free to post your own comments and any further questions here on the blog.

First of all, there was a 50/50 split between people who wanted to know more about belly dance moves and those who wanted to know about Belly Dancing origins.

While I would love to eventually create instructional material, this particular package is for the latter.

Q.1. What does "Oriental Dance: Discovering the Art of Belly Dancing" cover?

Ans: I wrote the book to help Belly Dance enthusiasts like myself learn about the history, origins, styles, costumes and music of belly dancing. It was a complete voyage of discovery for me that I can barely touch upon in the Belly Dancing Secrets' newsletter.

There is also a whole chapter on Male Belly Dancing, which is something few people know much about but is a vital aspect of the dance's history.

Oh, and it's illustrated throughout with some fab color photos!

Q.2. Why a package and not just the book?

Ans: Simple Answer? I got carried away!

When I started this project at the end of 2005, I had no idea how detailed this would become, and how carried away I would be by it. Belly dancing is addictive! Not just the dancing of it, but learning about its past and customs...and talking to other Belly Dancers about it.

The book led onto other things like audio interviews, creating a good resource guide, and recording the book into an audio version.

Q.3. Why have you chosen 12th October to launch it. Is it significant?

Ans: Two reasons.

First of all, I have been working on this project for 10 months now and needed to set a date to release it, otherwise it might never have happened! I could have worked on this for the next 10 years, but what's the point if nobody ever sees it?

Secondly, the date is significant because it's my birthday! I thought, what better way to celebrate my birthday than to release the project that has taken up most of my last year? And it gives me a good excuse to add some great gifts to the package so you can celebrate with me.

I am even going to set the launch time to coincide with approximately the time I appeared in this world XX years ago! That means the launch will officially be at 5pm (UK time) which is Midday (EDT), 9am (PDT), 6pm (Egyptian time) and 3am (of the 13th in the Solomon Islands - OK, now I'm getting silly).

Q.4. Why have you provided "Oriental Dance: Discovering the Art of Belly Dancing" in both written and audio format?

Ans: I chose to do it this way because both versions can offer something different.

The eBook format is ideal for including fab color pictures of belly dancers, musical instruments and costumes, and it means that I can include "clickable" links to related websites - especially useful in the Resource Section.

I am a voice artist by profession, so recording an audio version was always at the back of my mind. Many people don't like reading and prefer to listen to narrated books instead (which are also easy to download to an mp3 player or "burn" to a CD to listen to "on the move").

Plus, you can't put music in an eBook. I have found some lovely pieces of music to add to the audio version and it would be a shame if you missed out on them (especially a piece that illustrates the use of the most common instruments used in traditional belly dancing music).

That's all for now. Post any further comments and questions below. I'll have more for you in the next few days.

Bring our your inner goddess!


P.S. If you haven't signed up for the launch emails and the chance to win some great Belly Dancing goodies, head over to:

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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

My Belly Dancing eBook

To join the pre-notification list and find out more on what you can expect from "Belly Dancing Secrets Volume I" please fill in your details below.

Belly Dancing Secrets Prenotifcation

My Belly Dancing eBook "Oriental Dance: Discovering the Art of Belly Dancing" is finished and I'm going to release it next week, plus a whole bunch of extras (I got carried away)!

I'll be letting you know more about it in this blog and you can post your questions and comments. But if you would like to be on the pre-notification list and be in with a chance of winning some BDSS goodies, head over to the website and sign up:

I'm looking forward to sharing more with you (actually, I'm so excited I'm practically peeing my pants - is that just a bit too much info for you?).

Bring out your inner goddess,


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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Free Belly Dancing Music

I received an email this morning from the Belly Dance Superstars website. There is a new feature on there called "The Casbah After Dark" which is a new Abarbic radio station (created by Miles Copeland). So if you love listening to Arabic music take a look at:



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Saturday, September 16, 2006

Belly Dancing Photos

She is also a featured photographer in the bellydance community and events such as Burning Man."In photography, I've found a way to make people happy... besides the creativity, this is what I love most about it. The feedback seems to tell me that I make people feel better about themselves, love each other more... If this is my life work, I accept it."

Uber Photographer- Pixie

I found this article about photographer Pixie, who loves to photograph belly dancers. Her site link is below and features some really lovely shots. Take a look around her site to see what I mean:

Lisa x

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Friday, September 08, 2006

Belly Dancing Views

He went on to tell the young woman that the belly dancing style comes from cheap and defective cultures, and that the body movements make it look cheap and expose modest body parts.

Belly dancing forbidden even in full dress - Culture from Israel, Ynetnews

A very sad article on the comments made by a Jewish Rabbi on Belly Dancing.


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Monday, September 04, 2006

Belly Dancing Popularity in the UK

Over the past few years more and more women in the UK have been trying belly dancing as a fun way to exercise. Part of the popularity is due to the dance troupe Belly dance Superstars who toured the UK recently with their wonderful show.What makes belly dance such a good workout is that it exercises all parts of the body; arms, legs, waist, spine and buttocks. It is also great for the pelvic floor muscles- the London Birthing Centre use belly dance moves in their antenatal classes.

Home - Suffolk belly dance, belly dance exercise

Good to see that Belly Dancing is becoming more popular in the UK, although I think it was already pretty hot over here before the BDSS.

Lisa x


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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Pregnancy and Belly Dancing

In fact, many belly-dancing enthusiasts believe there's an ancient connection between belly dancing and birth.Moore argues there is some evidence that belly dance is very possibly the original childbirth exercise. Look closely and you'll see a connection between the movements taught in Lamaze classes and those of belly dance, she says.

Gyrate Through  Your Pregnancy

I have been reading some great articles about belly dancing and pregnancy - here is one of them (and, no, I'm not pregnant...just fascinated by the possible origins of belly dance).


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Monday, August 21, 2006

Fantastic Benefits of Belly Dance

Shea said recent medical studies show that belly dancing, besides working the outer muscles of the body, is like a massage for the internal organs, aiding digestion and other organ functions.''Chiropractors regularly send their patients here to strengthen their abdominal muscles, which at the same time strengthens their lower backs,'' Shea said. | 08/20/2006 | Modern fan of ancient form

More evidence that belly dancing is great for your whole body!

Lisa x

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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Belly Dancing New Zealand

Another great email from a blog reader/newsletter subscriber:

"Hello Lisa, I like your description of yourself as a bellydancing enthusiast. Me too, a happy hobbyist and there are more out there - some of us in the Bay ofPlenty, New Zealand, have created Belisha Dance Club to focus our enthusiasm. We dance regularly, (some) perform frequently and are organising a performance in September called Arabian Spice, to showcase local talent. Please feel free to post that info on your magnificent blog. Come see us (New Zealand is a good holiday place as well), dance with us.... Andria"

Andria, I would love to come and dance with you all. New Zealand is definitely on my list of places to maybe one day!


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Monday, August 14, 2006

Utah Belly Dance Festival Clinics

Just had this in:

Last chance to register for Utah's 26th Annual Belly Dance Festival Clinics

Go to

Saturday August 19, 2006

Sat 9:00-11:00am: Make-Up with Mystere

Sat 11:30am-1:30pm: Belly Dance Costuming with Aziza!

Sat. 2:00-4:00pm: Belly Dance Your Way to Fitness with Tirza

Sunday August 20, 2006

Sunday 9:00-11:00 am Finger Cymbals Made Easy with Yasamina

Sun 11:30am -1:30pm: American Style Tribal with Troupe Hipnotica

Sun 2:00-4:00pm: Egyptian Cabaret Technique with Viktoriya Drum Clinics

Sat. 11:00am-1:00pm: Basic Dumbek Beats for Belly Dancers with Charlie

Sun 12:00-2:00pm: Intermediate Dumbek Beats for Belly Dancers with Charlie

Sun 3:00-5:00 pm: Drum Circle Etiquette

Lisa x

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Sunday, August 13, 2006

The Name "Belly Dancing"

Thanks to Annette Woodham for today's post. She responded to one of the Belly Dancing Secrets newsletters re: the name belly dancing with this:

"Let me tell you if i may..belly dancing a good name for this dance..since it is very close to some of the countries in the world calling it such as .."waist dance "or "Raghse shekam"..meaning bellly'S dance!..this is all persian ofcourse.or some people call it Arabic dance..simple and easy!. "

Thanks for that great info Annette.

Lisa x

P.S. If you haven't signed up for the Belly Dancing Secrets newsletter yet, visit

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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The Business of Belly Dancing

Before the Internet, people might have only seen a dancer at a restaurant or maybe knew someone who had taken a class somewhere. But the Internet has brought the world to our fingertips, and it's easy to get instructional DVDs and even costumes. So now more people are coming to class who've tried to learn at home with DVDs, and we usually have to clean up their basic technique or catch them up on cultural background--basically fill in the gaps rather than start from scratch. Also, belly dance movements are being sprinkled into other dance forms like contemporary, hip-hop and pop so I think people may be confused about what belly dance actually is. - Anthea Poole is belly dance instructor in Fredericksburg.

This interview is interesting because the interviewee - Anthea Poole - turned her hobby of belly dancing into her career. Anthea offers some good, sensible business advice.

Lisa x

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Monday, August 07, 2006

The Belly Dancing Librarian

I was inspired to create this page because I have met SO many Bellydancing Librarians that we could create our own interest group at ALA! What is it about this combination? For me, it provides a balance between left brain/rational/cerebral pursuits and right brain/artistic/physical enjoyment.If YOU are a Bellydancing Librarian and would like to contribute to this site, email me at Send me photos, stories, the URL of your Website, etc. and I will include them; check out the latest additions to the Gallery of Bellydancing Librarians! C'mon, don't be shy, I know you want to join us!

The Bellydancing Librarian

What a great website - the Belly Dancing Librarian! If you want to join her community, check out the website, including all the profiles and photos of belly dancing librarians.

Lisa x

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Wednesday, August 02, 2006

More Shakira...

A lot of people are emailing me to tell me they have been inspired to belly dance by Shakira. Many are embarrassed by the fact. Don't be! If that's what it took to make you realise how beautiful belly dancing is, then great. Shakira is a good role model who has been dancing from childhood, and I love some of the more eastern influences she has been adding to her music.

So, for the Shakira fans, here is the Whenever Wherever Sahara Remix Egyptian version:


Lisa x

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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The Benefits of Belly Dancing

Belly danceMuscles worked: Stomach, arms and torso.Other benefits: Tends to improve body image. Fosters sisterhood. Satisfies a taste for the exotic without unwanted attention.

The Japan Times Online - Kick up your heels and get dancing -- everybody else is

This article takes a look at many different forms of dance that are popular in Japan, including pole dancing (apparently HUGE out there) and describes the benefits and celebrity followings of each. Glad to see Belly Dancing on the list!

Lisa x

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Sunday, July 30, 2006

Reasons to Belly Dance

The performers included four professional dancers and the rest were Coffey’s students. They mentioned personal self-exploration, the desire to de-stress, meditation or simply curiosity as the reason for starting to belly dance.Coffey, who dances under th name “Na’ila,” turned to professional dancing as a drastic career change. She moved to Fort Myers from Baltimore, Md. about 10 years ago as a metallurgical engineer. Then she took up belly dancing. “I don’t know why. It just happened,” she said. One thing that drew her was the fact that belly dancing is a great method of self-expression, she said. “We’re not cookie cutters. Every dancer is different.” Also, the dance is exotic, she said. “I love the music.”
The News-Press: Entertainment

It's interesting to read why people choose to belly dance. Most people tell me they just love the way it looks when people belly dance and they want to be a part of it.

This article is also interesting because the instructor went from being an engineer to a professional dancer. Belly dancing is one of very few dance styles where an adult can do this and still become skilled enough to be a professional - perhaps because this has always been predominantly a dance for women not children.

Lisa x

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Friday, July 28, 2006

Great Belly Dancing Article

For most of my life I associated belly dancing with "Arab cultures" in the same hazy, xenophobic way I associated parrots with pirates and peace pipes with Indians. Moreover, thanks to the American film industry, I determined that belly dancing was a Middle Eastern variant on the strip tease - something the members of a harem would perform for the sultan. A vulgar, submissive folk art.

The Pawtucket Times - Ethnic dancing unveiled

This is a great article from the Pawtucket Times. After seeing how many people misunderstand belly dancing, this finally puts the record straight. It explains the misconceptions around belly dancing and then explains in layman's terms, exactly what it's all about. I can't see the name of the journalist who wrote the article, but I would love to send them my thanks for the article (shame it isn't in the New York Times or Washington Post ;-)

Lisa x

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Thursday, July 27, 2006

Fire and Belly Dancing Combined

Pyro-kinetic artist Molly Block can belly dance while spinning fiery objects around her body. She can dance with a flaming sword and staff. She even does fire breathing.

Not one I suggest you try at home but I bet it's great to watch!

Lisa x

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Monday, July 24, 2006

Best Belly Dancing Videos and DVDs

I am regularly being asked which instructional belly dancing videos and dvds I recommend for beginners, and would love your input. I have already mentioned this in an earlier post and have since bought Jillina's (Bellydance Superstars) instructional dvd (part one) and think it is very good for beginners.

Please post your favorites here as well, so we can get a good catalogue together of the best (or worst) dvds and videos - then I might make a list on Amazon itself to help others.



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Thursday, July 20, 2006

Famous Egyptian Belly Dancer Samia Gamal

I found this great video on YouTube of the famous Egyptian Belly Dancer Samia Gamal.

If you would like to know more about Samia's history, read the web page below which gives a comprehensive biog (only some of which is shown):

Samia Gamal was born in 1924 in the small Egyptian town of Wana. Months later, her family moved to Cairo and settled near the Khan-El_Khalili bazaar. Samia Gamal then met Badia Masabni, the founder of modern Oriental Dance and accepted an invitation to join Badia Masabni's dance company. Samia Gamal became a soloist and brought forth a newer improvised style. Samia Gamal then incorporated technique from ballet and Latin dance into her solo performances.

Samia Gamal

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Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Sore Belly Dancing Feet

I've been taking belly dancing classes for almost 3 years now and I've never had aching feet before! Yesterday we did alot of fast past traveling moves that require you to be on your tip toes. Yesterday was a pretty intense class, and I was fine afterwards. But today....ouch! My feet are really sore and aching on the balls and arches. How do you get rid of the pain and discomfort or at least prevent it from happening again??

Ouch! my feet... - Heavy Hips Tribal Belly Dance -

I'd love to know the answer to this too - not so much for belly dancing, but for when I wear high-heels. The balls of my feet get so sore (I'm used to sneakers or bare feet). I'm sure others have the same problem so head over to the Heavy Hips blog and share your wisdom ;-)

Lisa x

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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Utah's Annual Belly Dance Festival

This year marks the 26th year of Utah's Annual Belly Dance Festival at Liberty Park, August 18-20. Six hundred performers from around the world will perform at the fr*ee festival which features a bazaar, mouth-watering exotic food and clinics on dance, make-up, drumming and costuming. Check out the schedule of performers

I have just received an email about this year's Belly Dance Festival in Utah - now in its 26th year. The event is free to attend, so if you can make it, it looks like it just keeps getting bigger and better.

Lisa x

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Monday, July 17, 2006

The Growing Popularity of Belly Dance

"To me, dance is a lifestyle," Parasson said. "It’s therapeutic. It helps me keep my sanity."For others, including one of the three dancer-instructors who organized the show, it’s something closer to obsession.

The Columbus Dispatch - Local/State

An interesting article not only because it focuses on belly dancers from different walks of life who have turned it into a career, but also because it draws attention to its increasing popularity in mainstream music.

Lisa x

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Sunday, July 16, 2006

Belly Dance Instructors and Performers

I*'m often asked where people can find instructors/classes or performers in their local area. I think the best place online is the directory at

Search for your country and then area, and you should find what you are looking for. There are also links to other useful websites.

Lisa x

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Saturday, July 15, 2006

Bigots Against Belly Dancing

Free speech advocates planned to protest the cancellation of a belly dancing class at a public library, saying it amounted to censorship. - Free Speech Advocates Protest Public Library

Another sad case of the "powers that be" misunderstanding belly dancing as an art, as well as its popularity.

The Board Chairman Ray Simon, said

"We would have to give equal opportunities for snake charmers and sword swallowers."

which just goes to show the bigotry that surrounds belly dancing just because it originated in the middle east. I hope that sense and open-mindedness win over in the end.

Lisa x

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Thursday, July 13, 2006

Favorite Instructional Belly Dancing DVDs

I'd love to know your favorite instructional belly dancing dvds. I have always felt quite let down by the ones I have bought or rented in the past.

Molly just emailed me and recommended The Goddess Workout with Dolphina (Goddess Life) so I will be checking that one out. I have also just put in an order for a couple of the new dvds from Jillina who is chief choreographer and dancer for the Belly Dance Superstars. I interviewed her recently and not only is she a great dancer she is also an incredibly nice person who chatted with me even though she hadn't eaten yet and was famished!

Post your favorites below by clicking on comments.

Lisa x

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Turkish Belly Dancing at Turkish Fest

This year’s Turkish Fest will also include traditional folk dance and belly dance performances. The Turkish market along the riverside will be serving the best Turkish food and drink as well as spices, textiles, arts and crafts, and music to promote Turkey abroad.


If you are in London on the 15th and 16th of July, you might want to visit Turkish Fest for some traditional Turkish Belly Dancing.

Lisa x

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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Belly Dancing Tribute to Princess Leia

Sa'id created a special belly dance as a tribute to Leia, which she recently performed in a costume contest where she won first place.

Wired News: The Cult of Leia's Metal Bikini

As a kid I always thought Princess Leia was pretty cool and was happy to be her whenever we played Star Wars (while my brothers argued over who was going to be Luke and who would be Han). It seems I'm not the only one who was and still is a fan...but maybe some people take it a little far. This video is both cool and amusing at the same time!


Lisa x

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American Belly Dance

"American belly dance is used to describe someone who's taken Oriental dance style and changes it. I'm very different. There are two types of belly dancing -- Oriental and Tribal. I've … used influences from both. My arms are very ballet and flamenco -- because the Oriental style is mostly done below the waist, you would not see any arm movements. "

An interesting interview here with a young belly dancer about her style of dance and why she moved away from performing a traditional style.

Lisa x

Monday, July 10, 2006

My New Website

If you just can't get enough information on belly dancing, check out my new website and sign up for my newsletter at:

You can find out loads of stuff on Belly Dancing as well as hear interviews and watch free videos.

Look forward to seeing you there,


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Another Belly Dancing blog

Also, she's a prefect example of an excellent skinny belly-dancer. Another common question that I was always asked is, do I need to have a bit of a belly to belly dance? The answer is totally, no! You don't have to. There is no specific body type to belly dance. You can be skinny, you can be curvy, pear shaped, apple shaped, ruler shaped, whatever.

a passion for belly dancing: Rachel Brice and body issues.

Here is another blog that I like to read from a belly dancer in Malaysia - I love her insights into belly dancing. And she's right - belly dancing is about celebrating being a woman, whatever shape you are.

Lisa x

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Sunday, July 09, 2006

Nelly Furtado Belly Dancing?

There has been some discussion about Nelly Furtado belly dancing in her new video Promiscuous Girl with Timbaland. I have to say that when I saw the video there was a little hip shaking but nothing I would consider recognisable as belly dancing technique.

In this video on Youtube there is a bit more evidence of an attempt to belly dance near the end. Perhaps she's trying to jump on the Shakira bandwagon?

Lisa x

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More Shakira and Belly Dancing

"I've been belly-dancing since I was four years old," Shakira, 25, was saying from Miami in an exclusive Canadian newspaper interview with The Sun."And nobody taught me how to do it. So it's something that's in my DNA, that I inherited. But I never got the opportunity to show my skills as a belly-dancer because I never did songs with this kind of Arabic element involved before. It seems that people really felt curious about that aspect."

CANOE -- JAM! Music - Artists - Shakira: Road trip ... she's driving

Further to previous posts about Shakira and her belly dancing roots, I found this interview she did. It still doesn't explain all the influences in her dancing but she does suggest that belly dancing just came naturally.

Lisa x

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Saturday, July 08, 2006

Belly Dance Finger Cymbals or Zills

Today, many fewer dancers use finger cymbals. Teachers start teaching finger cymbals later in class, or skip them entirely. Finger cymbal work is becoming more and more rare -- and really good finger cymbal work is even more scarce. But finger cymbals are not to be feared!

Want to Learn Something 80 Percent of Today's Belly Dance Teachers Don't Even Teach?

It was the title of the press release that caught my attention, and it's true, very few teachers I have come across teach this aspect of belly dancing.

Lisa x

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Belly Dancing and Pregnancy

Anecdotal evidence suggests that the practice of belly dancing may benefit women preparing for childbirth, as the movements strengthen and tone the pelvic floor muscles and the woman becomes more familiar with the way her muscles work. The hip-circling movements used in the dance may relieve some of the common discomforts of labor.

Belly dance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The idea of belly dancing helping in preparation for pregnancy absolutely fascinates me, but not ever having been pregnant I don't know how good it is!

A great blog to read if this interests you too is: Belly of the Goddess at

Bring out your inner goddess!

Lisa x

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Friday, July 07, 2006

International Belly Dancing Competition - A Different Perspective

More than 1200 contestants from around the globe came to Cairo this week, where they competed for the golden crown in Egypt's International Belly Dancing competition. Because of the event's official rules, not a single participant was Egyptian. However according to 'Dina', a famed Egyptian belly dancer, the rule was decided out of fairness: "Belly dance is our dance," she said, "When we compete with foreigners we win. It's not fair."

KABOBfest: Belly Dancing Gets Competitive (and Commercial)

I love this blog post on the International Belly Dancing Competition taking place in Egypt at the moment. It is a great commentary packed with humour.

Lisa x

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Blogged with Flock

Belly Dancing and Spirituality

Robling sees belly-dancing as "a balance of mind, body and spirit." She admits that it is an excellent workout, but that she discourages women from using the technique with only weight loss in mind. To her, its main purposes are spirituality and embracing femininity.

Belly-dancing - "The outside world just stops when you walk into the studio." : Local : Evansville Courier Press

The more belly dancers I speak with the more I hear them praise the mental and spiritual benefits of belly dancing, as well as the physical.

Lisa x

Oriental Belly Dancing Festival

It has been revealed that Najwa will be giving away the same belly dancing outfit she wore during her performance in 1974 in the presence of the late American Foreign Minister Henry Kissinger to the first place winner in the festival. middle east news information::Oriental Belly Dancing Festival launched

Wow, some dancer is going to receive a real piece of belly dancing history. It's good to see that this festival is still going ahead, when we hear so many stories of Belly Dancing being banned or frowned upon.

Lisa x

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Thursday, July 06, 2006

UK's First Inter-University Bellydance Festival

WARWICK UNIVERSITY is ready to wobble as bus loads of belly dancers head for Coventry.Students from around the UK will converge on the campus, in Coventry, for the UK's first inter-university Bellydance Festival next Tuesday night.

icCoventry - Bus loads of bellies...

Take a look at this great story about the first ever inter-university belly dance festival in the UK. This was held just a short drive from where I grew up - unfortunately I now live over 200 miles away.

It's great to see the UK is finally catching up with the rest of the belly dancing world!

Lisa x

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I'm back

I know I've been a bit slack lately with my blog, but now I'm back with a vengeance, so keep me bookmarked for loads of great belly dancing information from around the world.

I have been really busy working on a new belly dancing project which I will tell you more about shortly. Watch this space!

Lisa x

Monday, June 05, 2006

Other Cultures Who "Belly Dance"

One of the things the Belly Dance Superstars drew attention to was how other cultures created similar traditional dances to belly dancing, without any knowledge of what other cultures were doing.

The one they specified and included in their program was Polynesian dancing but I am sure there are many others. Certainly, I know the Melanesians have a similar dance (but still different) to the Polynesians which I was taught when I was in the Solomon Islands. They even gave me my own grass skirt (I'll see if I can dig out a photo sometime).

I'd be interested to find out how many cultures have a traditional dance that has similarities to belly dancing. If you know of any, post them here.

Lisa x

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Belly Dancing for All Ages

While I was packing away my recording equipment, Jillina said something I wish I'd got on tape (or minidisc as it is these days).

She said that Belly Dancing was wonderful exercise for all ages because it is so low impact and, unlike other dance styles such as ballet, you can start at any age and still excel in it. She said she loves taking classes and seeing women there from teens to their 90s - all enjoying themselves and getting a good workout.

Mardi Love backed up some of what Jillina said. She told me she had been a dance-kid-dropout (you know, someone who is sent to dance classes as a kid but hates going and eventually persuades their parents to let them give up). It wasn't until she was in her early 20s that she saw belly dancing and it really captured her imagination. Now, in ballet, tap or jazz it would be virtually impossible to start training in your 20s and become good enough to perform as a professional, but as Mardi proves it is not the same for belly dancing.

Lisa x