Monday, January 23, 2006

Plus-Size Belly Dancing

I have received a question about Belly Dancing from a Plus Size dancer and although I have replied personally I thought that others may have something to add. She is loving her classes but they have a Spring show coming up and she is wondering whether to take part. She is plus-size and I think feels a bit self-conscious about it.

As someone who is plus-size herself, I said that the good thing about belly dancing is you are supposed to have curves, and belly dancing is about celebrating being a real woman. However, I know how nervewracking it can be to face a crowd of people and feel like I stand out. My suggestion was that she get up and dance anyway, lose herself in the dancing and enjoy it for the experience. After that, it will gradually get easier. I also suggested she wear an outfit she feels most comfortable in, and if that means not revealing as much as others then that will be fine.

I asked her to keep an eye on the blog to see what others have to say, so please add your comments.


Lisa x

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